Sunday, 15 June 2014

Upper Brewer's Mill Island

Dave, VE3DZE, and friends will be attempting a first activation of Upper Brewer's Mill Island on Sunday July 27th.

The Frontenac Radio Group have attempted this on two previous occasions with no success.  This will be the third attempt, so let's hope they have more luck!!

The activation will start at 1400 UTC and continue till 1800 UTC.

Frequencies in use will be (+/-):

14.250 - 14.260

And the callsign in use will be VE3FRG.

1 comment:

  1. NS4Jay here from the US Islands Award Program. What the heck happened to CISA?? Can someone drop me an email at and let me know? USI have been promoting the W/VE Island QSO Party and we never hear from our brothers from the north. As webmaster I get an occasional notice of a VE island going on the air to add to our calendar but very little activity. Thanks
