Wednesday, 22 July 2020

New Activation

We had a non-advertised activation done on Tuesday, July 21st.   Curt, VE3ZN, successfully activated  Lemieux Island in Ottawa.  This island is located in FN25dj, and will now be listed as ON-307.

Well done Curt!

Curt kindly sent along along a few photo's.......

Friday, 17 July 2020


The master list of activated Canadian Islands was updated today, July 17th, 2020.

I have been updating the individual province or territorial list, but to be very honest, I forget to do the same to the master list.

There are also a number of provinces and territories that are still missing Maidenhead Grids for some islands.   Alberta, BC, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Ontario, are all missing a number of them, while Nunavut, PEI, and Yukon are only missing one each.  If you can help with these missing locations please email us at CanadianIslands "at"

We have been slowly adding names and callsigns of the initial activators of the islands, however, we are still missing a number of them.  We want to give credit where credit is due, so if you can help fill in a few of the blanks we would love to hear from you.

Obviously it has been a quiet year for island activating, and given the current Covid-19 we would have it no other way.

Hopefully, by August 22/23 things will have eased up and we will be able to get out and activate a few for the Annual W / VE Island QSO Party - - - mark that date on your calendars!!  More details will be posted in a few weeks, until then, please stay safe!

Friday, 3 July 2020

Grand Manan Island

Coming up later this month we have the activation of Grand Manan Island, NB-003. 

This activation is being done by Len VE9MY, and Russ VE9FI.  They will be operating daily from 0900 - 1700 local New Brunswick time.  They will be using portable antennas.

Dates are July 13 - 18 inclusive.

Check the DX Cluster for their operations....HERE.